August 4, 2023
In 4th grade I was lucky enough to get Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu was every child’s favorite teacher at Flower Valley Elementary, and he was best loved for his history class…
In 4th grade I was lucky enough to get Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu was every child’s favorite teacher at Flower Valley Elementary, and he was best loved for his history class…
As the interactions between business and government continue to become more and more complex and fall under an ever-widening net, many companies in Washington are adding government affairs specialists to their full-time staff. Like never before, the influence of government is not just on politics, but also on the legislation and policies that will directly impact the corporate bottom line.
I have a friend who is a lobbyist for one of the major U.S. airlines. After reading in one of Washington’s political blogs this week that she and her team suffered a few setbacks, not the least of which was failing in an attempt to insert language that would expand the number of flights into Reagan National Airport in the House’s version of the FAA reauthorization bill…
One of my first jobs in Washington was as a place holder; I was literally paid to wait in line. A fraternity brother had a job interning for a Capitol Hill lobbying firm, and using a $20/hour lure, he recruited several of us to wait in line in the halls of Congress.
As I was driving my son home from my mother’s (his grandmother’s) 80th birthday dinner this week, he brought up something that was weighing on his mind. He said, “You know, dad, it’s hard to square today’s Republicans and Democrats, today’s right and left, with the definitions you’ve always given for what it means to be conservative or liberal.”
Have you ever wondered how an administration is able to get party members, staff, campaign surrogates, and media allies all on the same page? In fact, it’s almost eerie how politicians and party supporters can stay on message and use almost identical statistics and attack lines.
Besides the shared medium popcorn, no butter, and large Diet Coke, my wife and I have a ritual we go through when attending movies at the theater. We make sure we get there early enough to catch all the previews, and then, based on the trailer alone, rate on a scale from 1 to 5 whether we’ll actually see the full film.
Earlier this week, I traveled to Boston; it was my first trip to Beantown since before the pandemic. Although I wasn’t lucky enough to catch a Sox game at Fenway, I did have time to pop into the Boston Tea Party Museum, see the Old North Church, and eat dinner in Little Italy.
Earlier this week, the PGA Tour announced that it had reached an agreement with LIV Golf and the DP World Tour to unify and form a larger commercial enterprise. Given the extreme animosity shown among the various factions over the past two years, it was an absolutely shocking announcement that took nearly everyone by surprise, including the game’s biggest stars.
If you know me, you know I’m not a coffee drinker. Diet soda is my caffeine delivery vehicle of choice, and there is no better mode of transportation than a large fountain Diet Coke from McDonald’s. Otherwise, whether it’s from a can or bottle, I prefer Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke. Over the years, people have asked me, “Can you really tell the difference between the two?” My answer: “absolutely, without question.”